ZANUPF & Mnangagwa Must Go

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Mnangagwa is looking to extend his term till 2030 while the country is dilapidating under his watch. Mnangagwa to over after a coup in 2017, the country has been led to ruins after many sectors of the country have had no proper funding due to corruption and mismanagement of funds. Hospitals lack the necessary equipment to perform their functions, and the roads are poorly maintained.Under his leadership there is no rule of law; we have a journalist, Blessed Mhlanga, who is in prison simply for doing his job. Mnangagwa, a dictator who does not like any form of constructive criticism and views any form of criticism as trivial, will go to lengths to punish those who oppose him. We have a leader who is seeking to extend his term of corruption and oppression. This abuse of the constitution is insufferable. ZANUPF Mnangagwa must go now.

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